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A lot of people are avoiding meat in a bid to help the planet. Sales of plant-based meat alternatives and out-of-season vegetables have increased significantly, but this actually has the opposite impact. Plant-based ranges sold in supermarkets are produced in warehouses and travel across the country in lorries, creating a notable carbon footprint. An avocado which has travelled 5000 miles from California, for example, has a huge footprint!

This year we want to encourage people to think more about ‘food miles’, how far their food has travelled to reach them, and the impact that has. The distance between where something is grown to where it’s eaten is what is meant by the term ‘food miles’.

By shopping with us you can shop knowing that your food is sourced locally and has minimal ‘food miles’. Our flagship farm is located under 10 miles from the centre of Bristol, and we plan our deliveries as efficiently as possible.



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